I have spoken

Blog 1

  • What does it mean to network using social media?

Social media has become the infinite modern platform for people to exchange information, share, receive, and communicate with each other. Network is a form of connection between different people in different places with different backgrounds offline or online. Using social media to build a network is to create an environment within which people get in touch and learning from each other. It’s the action to take advantage of the technology in order to build relationships that seek connection throughout different levels (Gutierrez, Karla, 2016). By this process, people can access in formative knowledge through their social media platforms.

  • How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

As individuals, our abilities are limited on our own. When there’s information or knowledge we can’t access or skills we yet grasp. It’s a very good alternative to seek some support in a highly connected and informative networked publics such as an online study group. In such a way, we can not only gain more resources but also exchange them to benefit others.  Other than that, the network and some technologies allow people to find information more efficiently and communicate with other people whenever you want. For example, it takes a lot more time to go to the library than click on a link your friend shared. By using a networked public, you can get in touch with people in your own comfort and require which helps the development and growth of one’s professional’s career  (Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. 2011). Choices like strong ties or weak ties can also motivate us to use it from a more personalized approach (Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. 2011). Ties and networks can also be built or created according to one’s personal preference to best suit one’s learning and working experience (Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. 2011).

  • What are the risks & rewards of public communications? 

We have discussed a lot of the benefits of public communications happening online. Overall, PLN is a very personalized and efficient alternative for people to gain resources or learn deeper knowledge and skills. Rewards such as efficiency, a wider range of resources,  unlimited communication are very appreciated. However,  there are still some potential risks to public communications that concern people. It’s very crucial for us to be aware of the importance of privacy nowadays. No matter how easy we can get on the network, we should always ensure our privacy protection. “what we share about ourselves tells heaps about other people.” (Boyd, Danah. 2012).  We always rely on the control of information to secure our privacy, however, we are still in trouble if we can not take full control of every detail which is impossible to achieve. “So any model of privacy that focuses on the control of information will fail.” (Boyd, Danah. 2012). The risk of attempting individual control can reinforce the power of those who already have enough status and privilege to meaningfully assert control over their own networks (Boyd, Danah. 2012).

  • Reference 

Gutierrez, Karla. “What are Personal Learning Networks?” SHIFT, 21 June 2016. https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/learning-network-age/0/steps/24644. Accessed 20 January 2021.

Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. “Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them.” First Monday (2012). Web.

Boyd, Danah. “Networked Privacy.” Surveillance & Society, 12 Dec. 2012, ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/networked.

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